Oh Benj I wish your love wasn’t diluted and blind

I wonder how you feel, and what it really means to be so closed and cold and deny your feelings. I walk away and struggle like you see to do in day. But the change of life passes you by and you remain stagnant instead. Eating up all the good parts of yourself and feeding them to hungry faded faces. Will you ever learn that theyean you no good and intent is everything? How long until your heart gives way to the void of disappointment and loss? Do you even remember what it feels like to be wanted and desired for who your are? The system of acceptance bears away what’s left and your journey back to find me was so long. I wonder if you judge it worthy now. Alone and isolated and racking your brain. Explain to others your pain but no words matter and your actions always bail. No wonder on that fateful day I chose to walk